(800) 34-KESON


The Automatic Lock features blades that stay out without the user needing to engage a lock. A push button releases the blade and enables it to retract.


  • Nylon Coated Steel Blade
  • True to Zero Hook
  • Heavy Duty End Hook
  • Belt Clip
  • Easy-to-Read Graduations
  • Bumper Cushion
  • Chrome Plated Case
  • 3 Rivet Hook
Feature Defined
Lock Automatic, button release
Case & Components Chrome-Coated ABS/High-visibility orange ABS
Blade Nylon-Coated Steel
Impact Durability  High-visibility rubber grip


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Model UPC (052837) Length Units Width (in) Stand Out (ft) Blade
PG1816ALVMAG 028702 16 ft ft, in, 1/8, 1/16 (1/32 first 12″) 1 up to 8 B9
PG18M25ALV 029419 7.5 m/25 ft ft, in, 1/8, 1/16 & cm, mm 1 up to 8 B5
PG181025ALV 029433 25 ft ft, 1/10, 1/100 & ft, in, 1/8, 1/16 1 up to 8 B4
PG1825ALV 027804 7.5 m/25 ft ft, in, 1/8, 1/16 (1/32 first 12″) 1 up to 8 B1